

When the colour blue is seen within a Tarot card it denotes a time of reflection, using the mind productively and healing the soul.  Blue seen in Tarot cards is a positive expression.

Because blue is amiable and eager to express itself, The Magician carries the tones of blue, as does the The High Priestess.    

Joanne Walmsley        Sacred Scribes

ESSENTIAL OILS that resonate with BLUE

Blue is associated with Chamomile (flowers, plants, essential oils and decoctions). The colour blue is linked to Tea-Tree oil, Roman chamomile, German chamomile, angelica root, rosewood, and thyme.

Joanne Walmsley        Sacred Scribes


Blue is associated metaphysically with the Throat Chakra and thyroid gland. This chakra is located at the front of the throat and the base of the skull, and is linked to the neck, arms and hands and is connected with speech and speaking our truths, and encourages spiritual communication and corresponds with our ability to communicate with others, and clairaudience.

The Throat Chakra is our ‘Communication Centre’ and when opened and balanced, encourages us to communicate our truths with clarity.

Being associated with the Throat Chakra, blue encourages communicating outwardly how we feel, what we think and the words we use to express ourselves.

Lots of blue in the aura indicates an artistic and harmonious nature and spiritual understanding. Bright blue denotes confidence and self-reliance and indicates a more positive person than one whose aura radiates a paler blue shade.

Joanne Walmsley        Sacred Scribes

BLUE CRYSTALS - Crystal Healing

The Ancient Egyptians used the crystal Lapiz Lazuli to represent ‘Heaven’, inspiration, sincerity and spirituality.  Crystals have been used to ‘heal’ since ancient times.

Azurite: Eye problems, skin, bones, teeth, circulatory system, asthma, secretory organs gall bladder, liver.

Aquamarine: eye and bladder issues.

Blue Lace Agate: Nervous system, thyroid, digestion problems.

Blue Topaz: Nervous system and thyroid.

Chrysocolla: Ulcers, digestive problems, arthritis.

Lapis Lazuli: Thyroid, bone marrow, thymus, immune system, insomnia, vertigo, dizziness.

Turquoise: Tissue regeneration, circulatory and respiratory systems.

Joanne Walmsley        Sacred Scribes


Blue resonates with healing on all levels, calmness and peace of mind.  Blue raises the consciousness to the realm of spirit and is the colour of meditation and connection with the angelic and spiritual realms.

Blue coloured light has been shown to reduce blood pressure and calms the nervous system and is anti-inflammatory.  

Dark blue affects the pituitary gland, which is the sleep regulator.  

It is relaxing and cooling and brings clear thought and clarity of mind.  

Blue brings quiet, clarity and peace of mind and can be used to calm and relax the body, soul and mind.

Blue causes the body to produce chemicals that are calming, and invokes rest and relaxation.

Dark blue reduces pain and has strengthens the skeleton by keeping the marrow of the bone healthy.

Blue promotes the healing of burns and wounds.

Light and soft blue can alleviate insomnia.

Blue allows for clear communication and the healing vibration of blue can be used to unblock and open the flow of energy where it is stagnant and/or blocked.

Blue brings contentment, patience, composure and gentleness, making it beneficial for someone who acts compulsively without giving thought to consequences.

Blue is extremely liberating for those who have become resistant to change and rigidity in thought.

Joanne Walmsley       
Sacred Scribes



Blue was prevalent in the temples of Isis in Ancient Egypt.

In Eastern countries, blue coloured objects are placed in tombs to ward off evil spirits.  

In Greece too, the colour blue is believed to ward off the ‘evil eye’, and a blue bracelet or necklace is often worn for protection.

In China and Japan it is the colour of fortune.  In Chinese culture, blue is associated with wood, East and Spring.

In Iran, colours such as blue, blue-green and greed are sacred colours and symbolize ‘paradise’.  

In India, the god Krishna is often depicted with blue skin.

In Aztec culture the colour blue symbolizes sacrifice.

In Mexico, the colour of mourning is blue.

In Greek and Roman times, blue was associated with the sky gods Juno, Mercury and Jupiter.

The colour blue has Biblical significance and symbolizes ‘Heavenly grace’.  In the Catholic Church blue it is the colour associated with the Virgin Mary.

Joanne Walmsley     
Sacred Scribes


Blue food is not a common occurrence in nature (aside from blueberries and blue-purple potatoes) and does not exist in significant quantities as a natural food colour, therefore we do not have an automatic appetite response to the colour blue.  Our primal nature also tends to avoid ‘warning colours’ as our early ancestors foraging for food considered blue, purple and black foods to be potentially lethal.

Blue foods are generally various types of berries and also include seaweed and some white fish, veal, asparagus, potatoes, plums, billberries and blueberries.

Of all the colours in the spectrum, the colour blue is an appetite suppressant.  When looking to lose weight, place your food on a blue plate, store your food in blue containers and even change the fridge lightbulb to a blue one.  Blue lighting can also be used in the dining area for the same reason.

Joanne Walmsley      
Sacred Scribes



The colour blue appearing in dreams may represent your Spirit Guide/s (or higher spiritual beings) and Divine life path and soul mission. Blue is stimulating to our spiritual security.  

Blue can also suggest optimism about the future and suggests clarity of mind.

Seeing blue in your dreams may indicate a feeling, need or desire to escape from a situation.  Alternatively, the colour blue may be a metaphor for ‘feeling blue’ or ‘being blue’.  The colour blue appearing in dreams may be expressing a desire to ‘get away’.

Wearing light blue in your dreams can indicate your personal creativity and may suggest that you are a person who likes to pace yourself and focus on all that you do in your waking life.

When blue appears in your dreams it helps you to attain inner-peace and harmony, mental security and a desire for deeper understanding.  If there is a lot of blue in your dream it allows for composure, patience, gentleness and contentment.

Navy blue can be seen as a rigid or stoic colour and seen in dreams, navy blue can represent a lack of individuality and conformity.

The colour blue appearing in dreams inspires:
love, forgiveness, wisdom, kindness and compassion, gentleness, patience, healing, contemplation and sensitivity.

Seeing blue in your dreams releases:
worry, fear and anxiety, self-pity, self-rejection, coldness and isolation, depression and detachment, passivity.


Colours in Dreams  - Dreaming of Colours

Joanne Walmsley       
Sacred Scribes



Blue is the ‘favourite colour’ by most people in the world and is a colour that has equal appeal to both men and women.  Blue is universally considered to be the ‘friendliest’ colour on the spectrum and people who wear this shade are seen as approachable and socially aware.  

Those who choose blue as their favourite colour are generally idealist, enduring and patient people who tend to be nostalgic, peaceful, devoted and loyal souls.  They are highly sensitive individuals who can commit to their dreams and ideals.  They tend to seek contentment and peace of mind and do not quickly seek change in their lives.

People who wear light blue are said to be analytical and generally have a practical approach to life.  

People who wear dark blue are said to be intelligent and self-reliant, and take on responsibilities.

Wear dark blue to feel emotionally stable, calm and conservative.

Joanne Walmsley   Sacred Scribes


The Vibration and Energy of BLUE

Blue is the colour of the sky and the ocean and is perceived as a constant in our lives.  Blue skies are symbolic of optimism and auspicious opportunities.  Blue represents water  -  the source of life.  Blue is the colour of sleep and twilight.

Blue is linked to Wednesday.  

Blue is associated with the element of ‘ether’.

Blue is associated with the colour of the Moon, and is associated with the feminine aspects. Another planet related to blue is Jupiter.

Blue is the third basic colour tone. Blue is the colour of communication with others, wisdom, truth, Heaven, eternity, receptivity, intuition and insight, emotion, calm, peace and healing, tranquillity and devotion.  Blue is associated with our emotions, freedom, strength and new beginnings, loyalty, faith, power and protection. 

Blue is a conceptual colour and is the first of the cool spectrum colours. It is a colour that stimulates and encourages us to seek our inner-truths.  Blue helps us to attain mental security and to pursue our ideals and aspirations.  Blue stimulates spiritual security and our desire for inner-understanding.

Blue represents inspiration and is a spiritual colour.  The blue vibration raises our consciousness to the realm of spirit, hence the value of this colour in spiritual and 
Color Healing, meditation and devotional services.  Blue implies ‘notable intentions’ and is the colour for meditation and spiritual expansion and is also the colour for truth, calmness, devotion and sincerity;  plus it is the colour of intuition and higher mental faculties. Blue brings quiet, clarity and peace of mind.

The energy of blue allows us to look beyond and increase our perceptions and is a conceptual colour that urges us to seek our inner-truths.  

The colour blue stimulates creativity, faith, inspiration and devotion.  Memories of the past are stimulated and the concept of time flows quickly with the energy and vibration of the colour blue.

Blue tells of harmony and spiritual understanding. Dark shades of blue denote spiritual qualities and royal blue indicates good judgement and loyalty.  Indigo symbolizes wisdom, self-mastery, spiritual awareness and realization.  Indigo resonates with increased inner-wisdom, realizations and understandings and profound insights.

Blue suggests loyal friends and sincerity.  Blue is seen as dependable, committed and trustworthy.  Blue is the collective colour of the spirit, and invokes rest.  Blue causes the body to produce chemicals that are calming.

Not all shades of blue are sedate or serene.  Vibrant blues (such as Electric blue) becomes dynamic and dramatic;  it is an engaging colour that expresses energy and exhilaration. Some shades of blue, or the over-use of blue may be seen as uncaring and/or cold.  Bright blue denotes self-reliance, confidence, inspiration and positive energies.

Royal blue is appropriate for dining rooms and living rooms, whilst dark blue can be used successfully in study and meditation rooms and spaces.  Blue is also ideal for bedrooms and rest areas.

People tend to be more productive when working in a blue room as they are calm and focused on the task at hand.

Clear blue is uplifting.  

Midnight blue has a sedative effect that promotes intuition and meditation.

Dark blue can be depressing, yet represents truth and moderation.

Navy blue can be associated with restrictive environments.  The colour navy blue represent conformity and a lack of individuality.

The colour blue gives a feeling of distance, and artists often use it to show perspective.

Use blue paper for notes when you want help with memorizing and remembering information or a speech.

A blue Iris represents an important relationship or friendship.

The musical tone for blue is ‘SO’.  

Blue can be used to:
-  counteract chaos and/or agitation
-  open the flow of communication
-  broaden your perspectives
-  enhance learning and assimilating new information
-  promote peace and solitude
-  offer inspiration and enhance intuition
-  ease insomnia and repel nightmares
-  enhance memory and recall


Sacred Scribes



Colours for the Mind, Body and Spirit

For a restful state use INDIGO
To revitalize use ROYAL BLUE and EMERALD GREEN
To inspire and stimulate use YELLOW and VIOLET

For a restful state use GREEN
To revitalize use ORANGE
To inspire and stimulate use VERMILLION and SCARLET

For a restful state use MOONLIGHT BLUE
To revitalize use GOLD and ROSE PINK
To inspire and stimulate use AMETHYST, PURPLE and VIOLET.

Joanne Walmsley     
Sacred Scribes